Thursday, June 23, 2005


So after reading the comments of KEEFIE RAY, I just had to post. This must be some sort of record or sumpin. Anywho, we (and by we I mean me) will now share our thoughts on something near and dear to my heart, POKER. For those of your dirty minded sumunas out there, I mean the card game not the OTHER thing. (please insert poker in the front liquor in the rear joke HERE) To get back on track, poker is the sport of kings, yes sport and yes KINGS. I sit here watching The World Poker Tour on my DVR and I have to suffer through a Chris Moneymaker commercial for, to make a long story short MONEYMAKER IS A DEUTSCHE. Just my opinion and I could be wrong....but I'm not. The reasons why I believe he is the aforementioned slander will be saved for a future post, but for now, back to the original subject matter. I LOVE POKER, specifically TEXAS HOLD THEM (or Hold'em if you so prefer), to quote the number one movie of all time, Rounders, "Texas Hold'em is the Cadillac of poker. It's like playing chess for money, playing the game becomes secondary to playing your opponents. Reading tells, strategically determining how much/little to bet to achieve your desired result...I need to stop I'm getting a chubby. Well folks I'm out for now, but before I go let me give a shout out to the CREW

-- shout-- MADMAN --shout--

-- shout-- TILT --shout--

-- shout-- GAMBLOR --shout--
The BIGblind


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